Monday, May 23, 2011

Sustained through the Storm and Drenched in the Desert

Judges 6.

Every stage, every area, every walk, and every day I find myself wanting to seek God and not only seek him but to find him. I know that I am called to be a sheep under the commands of the greatest shepherd. People so many times let fear of the uncertainty paralyze them. However, I want to remind you that his sheep hear his voice, but there aren’t words to describe the peace that comes with confirmation, or a sign, from the Lord. You see there are times in my life that I question, “Is this thought, is this calling, is this direction, is this action, is this emotion, is this plan really you God?” You do have to understand that it isn’t a bad thing to want confirmation about a certain issue, but never mistake that with doubt. The lord says to take every thought captive and make sure that they obey Christ.

In Judges 6, starting in vs. 36 ending vs. 40, we see that Gideon was asking God these same questions.

“Then Gideon said to God, “If you are truly going to use me to rescue Israel as you promised, prove it to me in this way. I will put a wool fleece on the threshing floor tonight. If the fleece is wet with dew in the morning but the ground is dry, then I will know that you are going to help me rescue Israel as you promised.” And that is just what happened. When Gideon got up early the next morning, he squeezed the fleece and wrung out a whole bowlful of water.”

“Then Gideon said God, “Please don’t be angry with me, but let me make one more request. Let me use the fleece for one more test. This time let the fleece remain dry while the ground around it is wet with dew.” So that night God did as Gideon asked. The fleece was drying in the morning, but the ground was covered with dew.”

Not only did Gideon ask God to give him a sign, he was specific with what he wanted to happen in order for him to believe that what he doubted was actually  true and it was from God. Within this passage, I find the harvest that is reaped when you seek until you find and the result of walking in the will of God.

The first thing I see within this passage is the word IF. So many times this is our first response to God, “IF this is really you, where is the money? IF this is really you, then why do people not like me? IF this is you God, then why does everyone seem to fail me? IF this is you God, then why am I still single? IF, IF, IF, IF! It’s funny we ask these questions as if we are somebody that can play the game better than the champion. God has  not only already spoken to us what to do but PROMISED that we would do it. So many the enemy tries and sometimes succeeds at stealing that vision, that word, that call and that thing that 

God has already 

Sometimes I find that we end up choosing the powerless lies of the enemy over the promise of the Almighty God. This can be seen in various ways. It can be doubt. It can be fear. It can be insecurity. It can be pride. Although Gideon started off questioning God IF, he could’ve stopped there. I honor the fact that he looked over that thought of inadequacy and instead still pursued to see if this was God’s will for him. Beyond his feelings of his flesh, he was willing to consider paying the price to fulfill the promise. So many people quit after the first feeling of uncertainty instead of surrendering and realizing that God has created them for a bigger purpose than themself. Gideon was specific with how he wanted his answer. This really shows me that God is a personal God and although he may not understand our doubt, he is willing to stoop down to our level to speak to us. 

I think of it like a young infant. When trying to get them to understand something you can’t use college level words or they will never hear what you have to say. This is the same thing here. God was open to Gideon’s language. Beyond the simple words on the page, I see that Gideon was wanting more than a wet fleece on a dry ground. I believe that Gideon, first of all, was wanting to be different that his surroundings. Gideon wanted to be assured that when the world around him was nothing but dry bones, that the Lord would fill his cup. As God always out does himself, that next morning not only did he wet the fleece, it was drenched. The Lord supplied the abundance of living water and that same living water is available to us – even when everyone or everything around us seems to be dry and dead. In order to sustain through the desert, you have to seek until your being drenched by the spring of life.

After God had done exactly what Gideon had asked him to do, Gideon STILL wanted another sign. Despite that Gideon felt he needed another sign, the fact that God gave him another sign is what totally blows me back. I think that Gideon was wanting the confirmation that when the storm comes, he wants to remain stable. Gideon was wanting the security in the fact that times may get rough and the rain may take out everything around me, but I want to remain unchanged. He was seeking a confidence that he didn’t have in himself. 

The thing that you have to admire about Gideon  is that he wasn’t afraid to ask. 

He wasn’t okay with just seeking, but he wanted to seek until he found and until he was certain. 
He wasn’t okay with just acting and not being completely sure that it was God. 

I believe that there is a balance here. It’s a balance between instant obedience and acting out of one’s own will not knowing if it’s God’s will.

I see that at times we question the big or small things that God may have for us, but if we would continue to press into the confirmation that he IS WILLING to give to us over and over again, than there will be no excuses for taking the wrong path.

God guarantees four things when you are walking in his will. First and foremost, you can are called to  be different than your surroundings. Second, he will never hold back from you the living waters that he supplies even in the driest of times. Thirdly, when the storms come, the strength, hope, and faith you have in him will sustain you. And Lastly, God is simple and will defeat confusion with confirmation.

Thank you God that you speak to us and that your sheep hear your voice. I thank you Lord that you call me worthy enough to serve you and communicate with you. I pray that you would, in all areas of our lives, lead us. I pray that you would help us be obedient to your word. We wouldn't doubt who you have said that we are and the promises you have already given to us. Instead we would just fully embrace what you already say we have. Thank you Lord that even in the desert you can keep us drenched and your strength sustains us when the storms come. May we find you in every situation, good and bad. Thank you Lord, Amen.

-Natalie Hallford