Monday, October 11, 2010

Vision of The Extraordinary

I am so excited that the Lord has given me this wonderful opportunity to join with another sister in the faith, to bring words of life to this generation.  As you probably have seen, the name of this blog is called "The Extraordinary". Natalie and I are firm believers that when your life is surrendered to God, he will take an ordinary person and use them to do extraordinary things for the Kingdom. When we read the Word of God we can find many examples of what God can do with just an ordinary heart surrendered to him. Right now I am reminded of a young man named David. David was a little shepard boy who spent his time in the fields, tending to the sheep. While he was in the fields he began learn about and know God, the creator of all things. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think that his faithfulness to God in his personal life, would open the door of opportunity to be used by God to be the king of Israel. God didn't look at how handsome David was (even though the bible says that he was dark, handsome, with beautiful eyes - 1 Samuel 16:12 :) ), God looked at his devotion to him. Once he saw that David was a young man who was willing to give up everything for his sake, he knew that he could be used to do great things for the kingdom of God. God sent the prophet Samuel in 1 Samuel 16 to anoint David to be the next king, while he was a teenager ( so that just blow's that I can't be used by God because i'm too young thing out of the water). While Samuel was look for David, he said a statement that can and will change your perspective on how God chooses those he uses. "People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." - 1 Samuel 16:7  Many times we think that we have to  look a certain way, or be a certain way for God to use us. What we fail to realize is that the Lord is not looking at what you look like, he wants to see where your heart is at. All it takes for God to take your life from the ordinary to the extraordinary, is a hungry and pure heart. When you just want Jesus to be glorified through your life, and you are not looking to be America's Next Top Preacher, God sees that and he can use you to do great things, because he knows you are not about you, but you are all about him! All it takes is to change your perspective about who God is in your life. Want to know how you do that? Read the Word of God. Reading the Word will allow you to see just how great of a God we serve. Once you know how great he is, then your perspective on who he is will change. After you perspective changes, you heart will change. Be a young woman/man that is after his heart, and he will use you to do THE EXTRAORDINARY!

Natalie and I have started this blog to be a voice in this generation. We want to see the people of God begin to walk into the purpose and plan that God has for their life. We want to see this generation rise up and declare the words of the Lord in this wicked land. We want lives to be changed from the ordinary to the extraordinary. We know he can do it for you, because he did it for us :) We will both be blogging on certain issues and that this generation, and also words that God has given us to give to you guys. We are excited about the lives that will be touched through this blog. Please feel free to leave comments, ask questions, etc.
We love yall!!!


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